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        5 indicators that you are a high performer…

        5 indicators that you are a high performer…

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          …and that now is the time to push for promotion.

          You’ve been in the same role for years. Your job title hasn’t changed since you joined the company and there are no signs that your business card will be getting updated any time soon. You are well aware of how much you have grown in your role and how much you are contributing to the business, but it feels like no one else is recognising the fact and your career is at a standstill in terms of professional development and recognition.

          If you think this is you but you aren’t quite sure how much you have increased your value to the business then check out the following five signs that you are in fact bossing your job and its time that your bosses recognised it.

          1. You consistently receive a greater amount of positive feedback than you do constructive criticism

          This is probably something you haven’t really thought about as days merge into weeks and you are just busy quietly and conscientiously going about your everyday tasks.

          But if you stop and think about it perhaps you have noticed a difference in feedback, or more generally around the way you are perceived by your colleagues. Your work is no longer critiqued but used as a benchmark for others, within your department. Where once you were the mentee, now you are the mentor, demonstrating best practise among newer team members.

          2. You’re working more efficiently

          Not only has the quality of your work improved but also the speed in which you are able to complete tasks has increased dramatically. You are now so adept and experienced within your role that bashing out a report, producing a tip-top presentation or completing a competitor analysis review takes half the time it used to. Not only have you doubled your capacity, your attention to detail, means that less time spent doesn’t result in lessor quality work.

          3. Your overall confidence in your role has come on leaps and bounds

          Not that long ago you were reluctant to speak up in meetings unless asked a direct question, you cross-checked everything with your boss and did nothing that wasn’t specifically required of you. Now you are so comfortable and confident in your abilities you are able to be much more proactive in your role, generating ideas, supporting others and unafraid to take on new challenges.

          4. You’re being trusted to work autonomously more and more 

          The confidence you have in yourself has filtered through to your boss who trusts you implicitly to get the job done without the need for close supervision. This is monumental.

          5. You’re working on ever more complex and business critical projects

          With your new-found self-assurance and your boss’s escalating confidence in your abilities, you are being handed ever more complex projects, with increased importance to the business and greater visibility within the organisation.

          There was a time when these tasks would have been daunting and seemingly unachievable but today you are completing them with ease, not only in a timely fashion but with your usual aplomb.

          All of this adds up to the fact that you are probably coasting in your role now and ready to take on even greater responsibility. Perhaps there is even a promotion opportunity on the horizon for you.

          Promotion opportunity or not, you’ve worked hard to get to this point in your career. Be proud of yourself for all that you’ve accomplished and if your employer isn’t smart enough to recognise your achievements, and remunerate you accordingly, then perhaps it’s time to take your exceptional talents elsewhere.


          Images courtesy of Press Association and fizkes/ 


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