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        5 jobs that have only come to being in the last 10 years

        5 jobs that have only come to being in the last 10 years

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          The business world is an ever-changing one, and with constant technological advances and globalisation, there are now many jobs which simply didn’t exist before. Here are 5 roles that have only shot to prevalence in the last 10 years.

          Do you ever ask someone what they do for a living and are surprised that such a job exists? New roles are being created all the time to keep up to speed with our ever-developing and advancing world.

          Here are 5 jobs that have only developed in the last 10 years.

          1. 3D printer operator
          3D as a concept has always been rather high-tech, with various attempts to bring it to the mainstream falling away. However, 3D printing is now part of everyday life – you can’t avoid it! Barely a day goes by without some new object being 3D printed, whether it’s food, art or jet engines.

          Offering affordable ways for small firms to create vital components, 3D printing firms are here to stay – until the equipment becomes mainstream at which point we’ll all be printing our own jet engines (well, here’s hoping!).

          A tree of Social media networks at each branch

          2. Social media marketer
          Social media is becoming a bit of a misnomer. The social side of ‘social’ platforms seems to be becoming less prominent, with the business and marketing facets coming to the fore.

          Once used only by teenagers for keeping in touch, social media is now one of the most prolific ways for firms and small business to advertise and market their products and services.

          And with this comes the need for someone to put together campaigns.

          At the start of the social media boom, the role of the social media marketer was often taken by someone in house as an ‘extra job’. However, firms are now realising the importance of a good social media campaign and how long this can take to put together, launch and analyse.

          3. Mobile and web developers
          With the rise in mobile phones came the rise in the services they offered. Everything has its own app nowadays, as well as impressive interactive websites – and in order for apps to be so widespread, people are needed to develop them.

          Jobs like cloud services manager, app developers and big data analysts didn’t exist 5 years ago – now they are hugely important to businesses. Whether they involve creating new apps, helping firms to adapt to cloud computing or taking all that data and finding out what it means, these roles are going to be essential in the future of small businesses.

          4. Short-term letting agents
          While we’ve always had holiday lets and people willing to rent a property for a short period, with the rise of sites like Airbnb, becoming a property agent has become open to almost everyone.

          Premium prices can be charged for renting your home, or even just a room, to tourists, business people or people in between homes.

          According to a study by Airbnb, the average property owner on the site makes £85 a night. With average rents in the UK around £800 a month, this means you’d only need to let your room for 10 days a month – just a third of the time – to cover your rent.

          5. Zumba teachers
          While Zumba has been around since the turn of the millennium, it was only in 2007 that it hit European shores, and it’s only really taken off as a means of getting fit fast in the last 10 years.

          It has paved the way for a number of other types of exercise classes from hula-hooping to hot yoga – all of which need trained teachers. It’s especially important in Zumba that teachers are fully qualified due to its high intensity.


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