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        6 ways to cheer up staff on Blue Monday

        6 ways to cheer up staff on Blue Monday

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          January 15th is set to be the most depressing day of 2018. It even has its own title: Blue Monday.

          Christmas and New Year celebrations are long forgotten but the overspending on each is really kicking in, the drizzle and cold are getting to everyone and the atmosphere in the office is generally downbeat. So, what can you do to improve things, for your staff as well as yourself?

          January 15th is bluest day of the year | BE Offices

          1. Organise a morning meditation break
          Invite everyone to stretch their legs and get up from their desks for some mid-morning meditation. Meditation is known to soothe the soul and induce a cheerier mindset, so it’s a nice way to break up a day at the desk. And hey – if it goes well, why not introduce it once per week? Monday meditations, anyone?

          2. Sweet treats
          Co-workers often won’t thank you for tempting them into snacking on treats at work, especially after an indulgent Christmas period. But take this day as an exception, and treat your staff to a delicious cake or box of chocolates. The sugar kick will do everyone good, and help fight off the gloom.

          3. Encourage staff to take an ‘Inspiration Break’
          People feel far more productive after they’ve had a little break to get away from their computer, think, read, draw, or even take a short walk. Invite your staff to bring in a book or magazine and, on Blue Monday, allow everyone to take a little extra time to just relax and get inspired, in whatever way they choose.

          4. Wear bright colours
          Question – what makes the office even more dreary on Blue Monday than it already is?
          Answer: everyone wearing grey and black.
          This Blue Monday, why not organise a Casual Monday (if you normally dress formally), or a Bright Colour Day and get everyone dressing brightly? Having the office bursting with colour is sure to brighten everyone’s spirits.

          5. Give out thank you slips
          A heart-warming way to cheer up your staff or colleagues is to put out personalised notes on their desks, thanking them for all their hard work and outlining one of their best points? Showing people that you appreciate them always goes down well every day, but it’s sure to put a smile on your team’s faces this particularly gloomy day.

          6. Play uplifting music in the office
          Obviously this one is dependant on what kind of office you’re in, and if clients need to be on phone calls then you can’t exactly have Bruno Mars blasting out across the building. But having music playing – even intermittently – can definitely boost the vibes in the office and get everyone feeling a little cheerier.



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