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        Average office worker has a nine hour day

        Average office worker has a nine hour day

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          The average worker in office spaces up and down the country puts in a nine hour working day, according to a new study into the country’s office staff.

          Mars Drinks undertook the research into employees’ habits, which found that on average, most office workers start work at 8.09am for their nine hour and 13 minute day.

          After a 20 minute commute into the office, the first conversation between colleagues takes place 12 minutes after sitting down at the desk, the study found.

          By the time it gets to their lunch hour, most employees take a total of 28 minutes, spending £3.23 on food, but relatively few actually head out of the office.

          Those enjoying some fresh air and time away from the working environment only amounted to seven per cent of the 2,000 staff interviewed for the study.

          For further refreshment, the average office worker consumes three hot drinks a day, but the coffee machine breaking down was one of the most common causes of annoyance in the office.

          This coupled with the fact that many respondents to the survey also cited fellow staff not making their fair share of the beverages as being a bug bear.

          On average, most workers have a row with a colleague or are made angry by their bosses once a day, which may seem like a lot to some people, but perhaps relatively few to others.

          Jenni Morgan, of Mars Drinks UK, said: “It is very interesting to learn that we are, on the whole, a very agreeable lot who prefer to get along with colleagues and bosses rather than spend the day arguing and moaning.”

          But what of communication with the outside world? A total of 26 emails are sent by each employee each day and 32 are received in return, alongside 20 phone calls made and 21 received.

          Ten minutes and 15 seconds is taken up by staff going onto social networking sites and a further ten minutes is dedicated to internet banking and online shopping.

          The average end of the day for office workers is at 5.22pm when they embark on the 33 minute and 46 second commute home.

          Despite this research it does not say how many people then go onto do further work at home as technology now means that mobile working is easier than it ever used to be with many staff finding it hard to keep away from mobile devices to check work emails and complete tasks.

          Ms Morgan said: “Our results show that we are working longer hours than ever before, but this has not dented our enjoyment of the job.”

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