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        Office space is less clearly defined in modern times

        Office space is less clearly defined in modern times

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          The modern way of working has found that offices can be very different to what they used to be and that almost any area can be turned into an office space.

          Those who are more innovative and creative are doing much more with the resources they have than previously.

          With wireless technology having become the norm devices have been taken out of the office and internet has provided the world with the capabilities to engage in mobile working.

          Richard Kauntze, chief executive of the British Council for Offices, said: “There aren’t really the fixed rules that there once were in terms of what is and what isn’t an office and what is and what isn’t a good office.”

          There are still people who find that the old style of offices works for them and their business, but a new sort of space is evolving.

          Those companies which do still have a central hub from which employees work tend to opt for a more collaborative feel with open spaces.

          Younger employees seem to engage well with these arrangements as many adapt to the changing business world very quickly.

          Mr Kauntze said: “Offices, more and more, reflect the identity of the organisation and the style in which employees like to work and I think that’s entirely right, because going back not that many years it was pretty much take it or leave it.”

          He used the example of Google, which is a relatively new company, yet highly successful one and has developed unusual office spaces for its staff.

          Artistic organisations should also stand apart from those such as law firms which are more traditional in nature in terms of office layout.

          Breaking from the norm can be a good way to motivate staff, especially if they have had some input into the design, which is something Google pride themselves on.

          It can also aid in the development of new ideas as a shakeup can awaken more innovation from within as well as from without.

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