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        Our Environmental Policy

        We believe that our businesses are responsible for achieving good environmental practice and operating in a sustainable manner at all of our locations.

        We are therefore committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performances as an integral and fundamental part of our business strategy and operating methods.

        It is our priority to encourage our stakeholders to do the same. (By entering into and complying with our supplier engagement policy) Not only is this sound commercial sense for all; it is also a matter of delivering on our duty of care towards future generations

        Our policy is to:

        • Wholly comply with the requirements of current environmental legislation and codes of practice to prevent pollution.
        • Eliminate the generation of waste and reuse or recycle as much of it as possible.
        • Minimise energy and water usage in our buildings, vehicles and processes in order to conserve supplies and minimise our consumption of natural resources, especially where they are non-renewable.
        • Operate and maintain company vehicles with due regard to environmental issues as far as reasonably practical and encourage the use of alternative means of transport and car sharing as appropriate.
        • Apply the principles of continuous improvement in respect of air, water, noise, and light pollution from our premises and reduce any impacts from our operations on the environment and local community.
        • As far as possible purchase products and services that minimise damage to the environment.
        • Assess the environmental impact of any business changes we intend to introduce in advance.
        • Ensure that all employees understand our environmental policy and contribute to achieving high standards.
        • Investigate complaints about any breach of our environmental policy promptly.
        • Communicate this policy and make it available to the public, our clients and stakeholders.
        • Update, our environmental policy annually in consultation with staff and stake holders.

        Authorised: Simon Rusk  (Finance Director)

        View Management Structure of Environmental Responsibilities

        Responsibilities for BE Employees

        The Board of Directors

        The Board of Directors have overall and final accountability for environmental protection within Business Environment.  It is their responsibility to;-

        1. Support the environmental policy statement by showing commitment to this policy.
        2. Ensure that the policy is implemented fully throughout Business Environment.
        3. Ensure the policy is regularly reviewed and developed where appropriate.
        4. Ensure that adequate resources are provided to implement the policy.
        5. Ensure that the management system to implement the policy is kept up to date.
        6. Ensure that there is mean for continual improvement of environmental protection at Business Environment.
        7. Ensure that there is adequate provision for the planning, organising, monitoring and reviewing of the environmental protection arrangements.

        The Corporate Director and the Director of Business Centres

        The Corporate Director and the Director of Business Centres have responsibility for ensuring that;-

        1. The day to day objectives of Business Environment and its subsidiaries take environmental protection into account.
        2. Commitment to environmental protection flows downwards throughout the organisation.
        3. Systems and procedures are in place to ensure that employees fully understand and implement Business Environment’s environmental policy and their designated responsibilities.
        4. Budgets for finance and resources are made available as appropriate for environmental protection to meet the performance standards set up in the policy.
        5. Define environmental targets for the centres.
        6. Business Environment takes into account their employee’s capabilities, qualities and time when delegating tasks and activities.
        7. The culture within Business Environment reflects the organisation’s commitment to environmental protection.
        8. Any environment review findings are provided to the Managing Director every year, so that the managing director can make well informed decisions.

        The Centre Managers, Department Directors, and Facilities Department

        The Centre Managers, Department Directors, and Facilities Department are responsible for;-

        1. Implementing the requirements of the environmental policy at a centre level.
        2. Ensuring that they comply with the requirements of Business Environment’s environmental policy statement.
        3. Ensuring that a signed and dated copy of Business Environment’s environmental policy statement is clearly displayed in the premises and that a copy is included in each client welcome pack.
        4. Ensuring that employees are made aware of Business Environment’s environmental policy statement, targets and local environmental initiatives.
        5. Ensuring that employees comply with Business Environment’s environmental policy statement.
        6. Conducting periodic environmental reviews at site level and providing environmental review findings to the Director of Business Centres every year, so that the Managing Director can make well informed decisions.
        7. Investigate all instances of spills or other incidents which may have a potential for environmental harm.
        8. Ensuring that environmental documentation is complete and up to date.
        9. Ensuring that where review and or variations to the existing workplace environment take place, re-planning and re-organising will be implemented to provide for continual improvement.
        10. Ensuring that the competency and training for environmental protection.

        All Employees

        All Employees, must comply with;-

        1. Business Environment’s procedures, instructions and rules directed at meeting organisation’s environmental policy statement.
        2. Report any environmental concern or malfunction of any equipment which may result in environmental harm in accordance with the organisation’s defect fault reporting procedure.
        3. Fully conform to all written or verbal instructions given to them to reduce the potential for environmental harm.
        4. Avoid improvisations of any form which could create an opportunity for environmental harm.
        5. Report all instances of spills to drains or other incidents which may create environmental harm
        6. Comply with and actively support facility initiatives for reducing environmental impact.





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