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        Afternoon naps ‘can raise office productivity’

        Afternoon naps ‘can raise office productivity’

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          As businesses try to maximise productivity, workers are finding themselves put under ever-greater pressure in the workplace.

          And with this being the case, employees are inevitably using up more energy in the workplace and exposing themselves to greater levels of fatigue.

          It seems more workers are feeling the effects of tiredness in the workplace – which is not good news for their employers.

          A new study, conducted by, found that almost half of all office workers would willingly swap their lunch break for an afternoon nap.

          Of the 1,000 people surveyed, 46 per cent thought a nap at lunchtime would improve their productivity in the afternoon.

          Just over a quarter (26 per cent) believed it would have a negative effect on their output.

          And eight per cent of those polled had no opinion either way.

          The study found that 63 per cent of respondents believe office productivity dips in the afternoon, with 2:45pm being the time most employees start to flag.

          But somewhat surprisingly, 37 per cent said they prepared to sacrifice all breaks in order to reduce their working hours either in the morning or afternoon.

          A spokesperson for said that for many people, modern life is “extremely hectic”.

          “The pressures of family and work commitments often mean that sleep is a luxury most cannot afford,” they stated.

          “The idea of an afternoon nap may sound childish, however if it has the potential to increase productivity then it is an option which must be seriously considered.”

          The spokesperson said that if employees were to put aside just 30 minutes for a “quick snooze in the corner” they would work more effectively in the afternoon and also improve their health and wellbeing at work.

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