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        Office employees happy to work flexibly

        Office employees happy to work flexibly

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          The growing popularity of flexible working schemes means business leaders should face only limited opposition to the introduction of serviced or virtual offices.

          For many companies, such facilities allow them to reduce overheads significantly – saving on office space by having more of their employees work from home.

          Some firms may also choose to introduce hot desking, where employees may come into the office on a rota basis rather than turning up to work every day.

          They can share workstations with other staff, as not all employees will come into the office on the same day – helping to conserve space and reduce the rental bill.

          In a recent study conducted by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) 96 per cent of employers said they had managed to provide flexible working arrangement to at least some employees.

          In just four per cent of cases have problems been experienced with flexible working, since the government introduced the right to request around a decade ago.

          Almost two-thirds of employers believe flexible working supports their recruitment activities and half think it has a positive impact on reducing absence.

          Employers have also reported productivity gains having introduced flexible hours and shift patterns, as content workers are more likely to give their all on a daily basis.

          They are able to work in an environment where they are comfortable, and have more control over when and where they take breaks.

          Workers can also avoid a costly commute each day, saving on transport costs and also chopping a significant wedge of time off the start and end of the working day.

          Based in their own homes, workers can simply shut their computer off at the end of the day and then enjoy their evening without worrying about driving home through traffic or rushing for the next bus or train.

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