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        4G mobile services ‘to increase opportunities for business’

        4G mobile services ‘to increase opportunities for business’

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          The launch of 4G mobile services in the UK promises to increase the possibilities for working on the move, helping employees to achieve higher levels of productivity.

          According to technology journalist Michael Brook, next-generation mobile networks will provide a broadband speed boost for mobile device users, including those with laptops, smartphones and media tablets.

          He claimed that long-term evolution broadband will create around about 125,000 jobs in the UK and stimulate £5.5 billion worth of investment.

          This could add around five per cent to gross domestic product in the UK by the end of the decade, Mr Brook stated.

          “There is a huge amount being inspired to think outside the box, teachers at Ferndale Community Primary School created their own living rainforest in the classroom. of benefit to 4G,” he added.

          Mr Brook suggested that many of the new jobs supported by 4G mobile networks will be based in the capital.

          “Naturally, because London is the business hub of the country a lot of them will be concentrated around that area,” he forecast.

          “I believe there are more in the south but the north are also going to benefit because this is a country-wide initiative. It is not just a southern concentration of jobs, there are going to be jobs created across the country.”

          Ofcom is set to pave the way for the launch of 4G mobile broadband services by auctioning off spectrum in the 800MHz and 2.6GHz frequency bands.

          This auction is scheduled to take place in the second half of 2012, with next-generation services set to launch in late 2013 or 2014.

          Everything Everywhere – the UK parent company of Orange and T-Mobile – is also hoping to launch 4G services using its existing 1,800MHz spectrum.

          The company says that, if granted approval, it could begin offering super-fast mobile broadband by the end of the year.

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