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        The end of the office desk phone?

        The end of the office desk phone?

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          While it may have been the mainstay of every shared office for as long as any of us care to remember, the humble desk phone could soon be a thing of the past, according to new research.

          A study carried out by internet service provider Timico found the rising popularity of smartphones could soon render landline telephones redundant, if 84 per cent of its respondents were to be believed.

          Another reason why they could soon be on their way out is the number of free platforms now available that allow companies to make calls for free. Nearly three-quarters (72 per cent) of IT managers questioned in the study said they believed these services could result in all business calls to become free within the next decade. At the moment, around one in eight use such facilities, with about a third admitting their intention to do so in the next 24 months.

          Timico’s director of unified communications Charlie Whelpton said: “The research seems to compound the fact that devices, which were primarily meant for social activity, are now revolutionising the way we conduct business.”

          Mr Whelpton also added it was “interesting” to see the volume of firms now turning to free services to conduct businesses, while also warning that larger companies need to be aware of the potential security risks involved in using these platforms.

          Enterprises encouraging personnel to use their own phones to carry out their work can also extend this policy to increase the amount of mobile working within the company, allowing staff a better work-life balance.

          This has previously been proven to improve employee wellbeing levels – something that many firms are likely to be concerned about, given the revival of the labour market. A recent survey by CareerBuilder UK found 26 per cent of workers intended to change jobs this year, while a further 43 per cent said they would be open to leaving their post if the right opportunity presented itself.

          Posted by Julie Tucker

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