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        Is it time to be more air-considerate to your colleagues?

        Is it time to be more air-considerate to your colleagues?

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          • 70 per cent of office workers have had ability to work compromised by office temperature
          • 86 per cent of office workers are unhappy with temperature in the office at certain points in the year
          • Just under a quarter are never happy with the temperature in the office

          Over 70 per cent of workers have had their ability to work compromised by the temperature in the office, according to a survey conducted by Business Environment, the UK’s leading serviced office company.

          Worryingly, 86 per cent of those surveyed admitted that they were unhappy with the office temperature at certain points in the year, with nearly a quarter (24.8 per cent) saying that they were never happy with the temperature. This certainly points to the fact that a large number of office workers in the UK are not working optimally purely because of the temperature in their building.

          Air Con Wars

          These findings highlight the importance of room temperature and air conditioning management within the modern office in allowing employees to work effectively. The results also show that the temperature of the office can cause real friction further impacting the staff morale and productivity.

          Two thirds admitted to getting annoyed when a colleague changed the air con to a temperature they were not comfortable with and this annoyance can it seems escalate, with 58 per cent admitting that rows have broken out over air conditioning temperatures.

          David Saul, managing director of Business Environment said: “With all the efforts organisations make to ensure that their employees have a pleasant work environment, from free breakfasts to bean-bag break-out areas, many overlook the management of one of the more basic elements, temperature.

          “Finding a balance for an office full of individuals that have very different preferences in terms of an ideal temperature is obviously very difficult. However, the results of our survey do highlight how important it is to try and manage the process if you are to get an office working harmoniously and effectively.”

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