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        Email marketing after GDPR

        Email marketing after GDPR

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          GDPR has finally come into effect, but what does it mean for email marketing? Here are our top 4 tips for reshaping your strategy after GDPR.

          GDPR, the European Union’s new privacy law came into effect on 25 May 2018. GDPR — or the General Data Protection Regulation, to use its full name — is fundamentally changing the way businesses interact with their customers.

          Scene of cluttered desk including folder labelled GDPR Compliance, GDPR legislative text and pen

          One of the biggest impacts of GDPR will be felt by email marketers, as the regulation focuses on how companies deal with their customers’ personal data. But GDPR doesn’t mean that you must abandon your email marketing strategy. Here are our tips for email marketing in a GDPR world.

          1. Get better delivery rates
          One of the biggest issues with email marketing has always been poor delivery rates. But in the bright new world of GDPR, that needn’t be an issue anymore. With customers having to opt-in to receive your emails, this means the end of invalid domains and dead addresses – your delivery rates are likely to go up.

          This means you have a lot more scope with what you include in them.

          2. Focus your approach
          Chances are a lot of your customers have seen their inbox shrink since GDPR has come into effect. If you’ve managed to get your consumers to opt-in to your emails, then it’s important to make those emails count!

          You already know your customers are interested in your brand as they opted-in, and are much more likely to actually read your emails. Make sure you hit them with marketing emails that are focused to their needs and interests, so they have no choice but to give them a read!

          3. Get creative
          With a more engaged audience, there’s greater scope for getting creative with your strategy. Instead of simply churning out the same old marketing emails of days gone by, why not explore some new ideas?

          Videos are a great way of adding a little more animation to your marketing emails, but if your skills in that department are lacking, then a simple, fun design can also get people scrolling down. It may sound obvious, but having engaging copy is also an efficient way to people to click through to your website —just make sure you have plenty of CTAs!

          4. Keep calm and carry on
          GDPR might sound like the regulatory equivalent of the Death Star, but it needn’t be scary. Doing the right thing with the personal data you collect should be good practice anyway, so life in a GDPR world shouldn’t be too dissimilar to how you were working before.

          And it doesn’t mean the end of email marketing, either. In fact, GDPR means that email marketing can be a better, more effective way of engaging with those customers you know are interested in your brand. And what’s not great about that?



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