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        How to make the most of autumn in the office

        How to make the most of autumn in the office

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          Autumn is upon us, and to celebrate the changing of the season here are some excellent ways to get the most out of it…

          It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but autumn is one of our favourite seasons. With fireworks, changing leaves and more pumpkin spice than you can shake a latte at, it has something for everyone!

          Bring the magic of autumn into your office this year with these quick and easy tips to get more out of the season.


          Bring in some colour
          Autumn is famed for its colours. You only have to look out of your window at the changing leaves to appreciate just how impressive nature’s palette is at this time of year. But the rich autumnal colours don’t need to be confined to the woodlands and parks. Bring some of those rich burnt hues into the office by adding some simple touches. Try switching up any soft furnishings to oranges and golds, keep the tangerines in the fruit bowl topped up, and add some tasteful photos and artwork.

          Celebrate the holidays
          After a long hot summer, autumn can seem like a bit of a downer for some workers with its shortening days and worsening weather. But with the amazing holidays coming up it doesn’t have to be. Keep your employees excited and engaged by making the most of Halloween and Bonfire Night. Host a spooky fancy-dress day, arrange a Halloween themed bake off, or even organise an office trip to the local firework display. All these will help boost worker morale going into winter and can work well as bonding sessions.

          Add some flowers
          It sounds simple and that’s because it is. A bunch of flowers — preferably autumnally themed with oranges and golds — can freshen up a stale office in an instant. Try and pick up a bunch every Monday to add a touch of life into the office on that difficult first morning back after the weekend. If you’re feeling really creative you could even fashion your own arrangement with pine cones and other seasonal additions.

          Mix things up
          They say that a change is as good as a rest, and as the next holiday for many of us is still a couple of months away, autumn is the perfect time to change things up around the office. Clean away any summer detritus that has collected around your desks, throw away anything you don’t want to keep and file anything you do. And if you’re feeling like thinking bigger than that, why not redefine some of your workspaces? Move around sofas and desks to mix things up and nudge your workers out of their comfort zone.

          Prepare for the weather
          Autumn generally means a lot more wet and windy weather, which means your workers are likely to be coming into the office with umbrellas and wet jackets. To help keep your office spick and span, invest in somewhere they can store them. It’s usually best to put this as close to the door as possible to stop people from traipsing through the office while dripping water everywhere.



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