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        How to stay motivated at work this winter

        How to stay motivated at work this winter

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          Find your get-up-and-go in a low-tempo season.

          Don’t leave your energy levels in the dark as the nights draw in.

          Wake up early
          It may seem like the most difficult thing to do on a cold morning, but setting an earlier alarm will mean you’re out of bed in time to see more daylight hours. The added exposure to sunlight can help ward off seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that can leave sufferers feeling more lethargic than usual. By waking earlier in the day you’re effectively giving your motivation a much-needed boost.

          Find time for exercise
          Raising your heart rate between work is a great way of keeping your mental health in check while the world around you turns gloomier. Endorphins, are feel-good hormones that are released as we feel increased levels of discomfort during exercise, so pushing your body to its limits is a great way to lift your mood. For best results, you should try a hobby or sport that allows you to switch off from your responsibilities. Try our simple exercise ideas for inspiration.

          Learn more about your trade
          Rediscovering your passion for work is a guaranteed motivator. With so much literature available, there’s an entertaining read for all kinds of industries and roles. You could try looking out for an autobiography from a business great, or pick up a title to understand new and exciting ideas in your field. If books aren’t your thing, there are a wide range of podcasts available to listen your way to inspiration.

          Master a new skill
          Adding another string to your bow can help you find your enthusiasm no matter what the time of year. Start by thinking about the tasks you delegate to others, could you learn how to complete them yourself? if there isn’t anything you could master to help your working day, try learning a new skill that you admire from afar. You don’t need to spend money on expensive courses to begin, try searching for online tutorials or other free online sources before you invest in your skills more heavily.

          Find the positives in your performance
          There’s no use in looking for encouragement by taking on new habits and hobbies if you don’t have the right mindset. When your mood is low you should take the time to identify all the positives in your work. If you’re keeping your social distance from the team, praise can be harder to come by, so pay extra attention to what you do well and give yourself rewards when you see fit.


          Image credits: jacoblund via iStockshironosov via iStock

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