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        80% of employees say working from home has had a toll on their mental health

        80% of employees say working from home has had a toll on their mental health

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          Millions of people continue to work from home as we further navigate our way safely out of the pandemic, but a study from Nuffield Health has revealed that 80 percent of the British workforce feel that working from home has had a detrimental effect on their mental health.

          Workers are missing the physical presence of their colleagues and feeling pressure to constantly be at their computers in order to respond quickly to emails, unable to step away and take a break as they would in an office environment.

          The survey found respondents reporting high levels of stress and anxiety, confirming that this prolonged period of remote working is taking its toll on the mental health of Brits nationwide.

          25 percent of respondents admitted to struggling with isolation from colleagues and the mental challenges brought on by loneliness. Virtually interconnected by the ever-present Zoom calls, video conferencing is also placing additional strain on home workers with 19 percent saying they feel under pressure to look good.

          Almost a third of remote workers are finding it particularly difficult to strike a work/life balance with 27% admitting to struggling with switching off at what should be the end of the working day, or even the working week. Another study last year found the average home worker was clocking up an additional week of unpaid overtime every month.

          Unsurprisingly, a third of respondents (34 percent) also reported that home working has placed a strain on relationships with their partners and their children.

          Commenting on the research findings, Nuffield Health’s emotional wellbeing prevention and enhancement lead, Gosia Bowling said; “Those who regularly work from home have established routines and boundaries that help them compartmentalise their personal and professional lives. These things take time to get right and will be different for each individual, but without them, the continuous pressure of work can negatively impact our mental health, which in turn can impact not only our relationships, but out physical health.”

          As lockdown restrictions are gradually lifted, more and more businesses are recognising the need to reunite their teams. Just last week tech giants Google and Amazon made clear their intentions to get workers back to the office.

          Covid-Secure, flexible workspace is the ideal solution, providing the perfect hybrid workplace. With reimagined office space where teams can safely work, meet, train and grow, workers can be safely reunited in a perfect environment for collaboration and social interaction.


          Images courtesy of PA Images and KimSongsak at Shutterstock

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