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        What a remote workforce can learn from freelancers

        What a remote workforce can learn from freelancers

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          As office workers have no choice but to work from home, we ask what we can all learn from freelancers?

          Freelancers set the standards of remote working long before it became the norm.

          Here we look at the qualities they’ve mastered, which can help us to transform the wider workforce…

          Although email has its pitfalls, this method of communication is essential for remote teams. It’s important to remember that tone of voice and body language are lost when delivering a written message, so you should be even more critical of the language you use. The most successful freelancers have learnt to craft well-thought-out emails that are sensitive to the recipient’s feelings while communicating key points effectively. Of course, if you’d like to elevate your conversations, a quick video call can prove highly efficient.

          Time management
          While working from home, some people may find it tricky to meet deadlines and keep track of meetings. If you’re in this position, discipline will be needed to ensure that you use your time well and maintain the standards expected by your employer. Many freelancers have mastered the art of self-discipline, helping them to manage their time and separate their work and personal life for the better – a skill all remote workers could benefit from.

          Problem-solving skills
          Freelancers can often find themselves facing technical problems without the help of an IT department. While many traditional office workers can expect the assistance of a help desk, the ability to tackle a problem single-handedly could certainly help. Whether it’s a dodgy connection to a server or email attachment issues, those who are keen to troubleshoot for themselves could learn something new and save time in the long run.

          Booking a meeting room and bouncing ideas between colleagues are some of the many advantages to working in an office. A team which finds itself working remotely, however, will instead have to rely on project management tools, live documents and shared servers to help replicate the office environment. Freelancers and digital nomads are well accustomed with the software and initiatives that make collaboration possible, even from far away. Why not ask your freelance friends which applications they’d recommend?

          Colleague relations
          Freelancers have had to build relationships with fellow team members ever since they took the plunge and decided to work independently. As conventional offices adapt to flexible working, it’s important that employees who are used to working in offices can do the same. Team bonding – whether through video calls, emails or even online quizzes – is a great way to keep morale high and could even help to improve company culture and foster friendships between colleagues.


          Image credits: Maryna Andriichenko via iStock, DragonImages & Press Association

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