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        Top office space jobs shouldn’t just be open to men

        Top office space jobs shouldn’t just be open to men

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          Following a lengthy review into the number of women in top jobs in the workplace, Lord Davies – leader of said review – has called for a “step-change” in how roles are filled.

          He concluded that companies should be setting themselves targets to ensure more women take top jobs.

          Lord Davies claimed that City firms should strive to ensure women make up at least a quarter of their board room representation by the year 2015.

          Following the publication of his Independent Review into Women on Boards, Lord Davies exclaimed: “Currently 18 FTSE 100 companies have no female directors at all and nearly half of all FTSE 250 companies do not have a woman in the boardroom.

          “Radical change is needed in the mindset of the business community if we are to implement the scale of change that is needed.”

          Undoubtedly, if big business began abiding by Lord Davies’ suggestions then smaller firms would follow suit, boosting equality in the office space further down the career ladder.

          However, Lord Davies has said he will not force gender equality on businesses, but will encourage them to abide by such principles.

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