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        Brits holding back on taking longer holidays

        Brits holding back on taking longer holidays

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          Brits are increasingly refraining from taking holidays because of pressures at work and money worries, leaving them at a greater risk of developing stress and other health issues, suggests a new report.

          The research, which was conducted by YouGov on behalf of Bupa, found that 42 per cent of UK employees were considering not taking holidays of a week or longer this year.

          In addition to greater levels of stress – 52 per cent said they felt more stressed now than they did a year ago – a lack of holidays meant that parents were not spending as much time with their children as they would like to and couples were spending less quality time together, adding strain to relationships.

          Dr Jenny Leeser, clinical director of Occupational Health at Bupa, said: “If financial restraints mean that a week long holiday is unlikely this year, it is still important that employees feel encouraged to take time off from work to rest, even if they stay at home.

          She added that a break meant just that – employees should completely switch off from the workplace when on holiday.

          The study also found that 82 per cent of those that did take a week or longer off work were likely to have reduced stress levels and feel healthier.

          Easyjet recently said that family holidays could be the preserve of the rich because of record air fare rises and taxes.

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