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        Businesses increasingly looking to hire interim staff

        Businesses increasingly looking to hire interim staff

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          Businesses operating in serviced offices and other buildings are increasingly using interim staff, according to the Business GP.

          The consultancy service claims there are two reasons for this.

          First is based around an overly cautious mindset from bosses over investing in long-term employees as the marketplace isn’t exactly surging ahead at an ideal pace of growth to make such commitments.

          Therefore, a short-term employee minimises “overhead risk” and allows for a greater degree of control.

          The other reason for hiring interim staff is, according to Mark Lawn, managing director of the Business GP, that they tend to be more readily available to hire .

          Mr Lawn said: “So, in the current marketplace, there are a lot of very quick turnaround requirements for talent coming into an organisation and secondly, interims by their very nature – because they are more financially independent than your traditional permanent employee – tend to be more experienced people.”

          He added that with that experience, businesses didn’t have the added bother of training and bringing up to speed new recruits as interims were able to “hit the ground running”.

          The Business GP is a consultancy service run by Marc Lawn, an experienced leader with a track record of delivering customer and consumer solutions on an international scale.

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