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        Five top tips on how to motivate your team in difficult times

        Five top tips on how to motivate your team in difficult times

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          The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has consulted leaders, practitioners, experts, representative bodies and thought leaders across the country, from all sectors of the economy on whether a wider take up of engagement approaches could impact positively on UK competitiveness and performance, and meet the challenges of increased global competition.

          The answer was an overwhelming yes, with profitability and performance transformed through engagement. The report also argued that wider delivery of employee engagement could have a positive impact on UK competitiveness during difficult times.

          Keeping staff happy in the workplace is something that should be a top priority for employers.

          We propose the following five top tips:

          1. Provide new staff with comprehensive inductions; setting the right expectations at the recruitment stage, letting them know what support is available to them and clarifying job expectations.

          2. Communicate regularly with individuals and teams. This will help to resolve problems as they arise and will ensure teams are kept in the loop at all times. Sounds simple, but it’s surprising how little some employees know about the business where they work.

          3. Rewarding staff with team socials and benefit packages can work wonders for engagement.

          4. Allow time off to volunteer and get involved with local community activities or charity work. Many companies encourage their employees to support charities that have a personal connection to them and allow them time within their normal working hours to do this.

          5. Encourage managers and team leaders to review performance with team members regularly and set performance goals that allow people to learn new things and in turn this will support retention.

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