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        Best ways to switch off at lunchtime

        Best ways to switch off at lunchtime

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          Get more out of your break than a sandwich at your desk, with these top tips for switching off this lunchtime.

          We know what it’s like. It gets to lunchtime and you’ve got a to-do list that never gets shorter, so you nip out for a meal-deal from the local supermarket and shovel it in back at your desk.

          If this sounds like you then you need to stop what you’re doing and step away from the computer this lunchtime.

          A lunch hour can be a great way to switch off from the stresses of work and refocus yourself ahead of a busy afternoon. If switching off sounds like hard work, here are our top tips to get more from your lunchtime.

          Take a full hour
          The most important thing you can do to properly switch off at lunchtimes is to take the full hour. It might sound like the impossible dream, but with a bit of forward planning you can happily step out of the office for an entire 60 minutes without feeling the slightest hint of guilt.

          Healthy business lunch at workplace. Vegetables and fried chicken lunch box on working desk with laptop and glasses.

          Go out for lunch
          Bored of sitting at your desk munching on another sandwich? Then go out for lunch! Ok, so you might not be able to afford it every day but the odd lunch out with colleagues can be an excellent way to switch off from work. Lots of pubs and restaurants do some great value set menus at lunch time so take advantage of any bargains in your neighbourhood.

          Socialise with friends
          Even if you don’t go out for lunch, you can still socialise with friends and colleagues during your hour off. During the summer, head to the local park with an impromptu picnic or sit in the square and watch the world go by. If it’s cold outside, then catching up with a friend over coffee will break up your working day and refresh you for the afternoon.

          Eat healthily
          If you’re used to simply shovelling in anything you can get your hands on at lunchtime, then stop. A lunch that’s high in fat and sugar might seem like a good idea at the time but it will leave you lethargic and irritable in the afternoon. Choosing a healthier option will boost your post-lunch energy levels, leaving you feeling more productive and focused until it’s time to go home.

          Exercising at lunch can be a great way to take out your frustrations, release some endorphins and reset your energy levels for the rest of the day. And you don’t necessarily have to hit the gym, either. It’s important you find an exercise that works for you, so try a couple of different options before deciding on the one that’s right.

          Go for a walk
          If all that sounds a little too energetic for a lunchtime, then why not simply go for a stroll around the neighbourhood? As well as getting some much-needed fresh air, a brisk 30-minute walk will also burn around 150 calories, so still a great way to keep yourself trim.

          Read a book
          Whether you prefer self-help books or gritty crime thrillers, an hour’s lunchbreak can be an excellent way to educate yourself or escape into a literary world. To make it more interesting, why not set yourself targets? You could work your way through the classics or try and finish a book every week if you’re feeling optimistic.

          Catch up on a boxset
          There is just so much great television out there these days that trying to watch it all would be a full-time job in its own right. To help yourself out, why not start watching some at lunchtime? Most shows are a handy 40 minutes long which makes them perfect for lunchtime viewing, so the only difficult thing will be choosing what to watch!



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