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        Does your company look after its employees?

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          Does your company have employee wellbeing programmes in place in order to help boost productivity and lower absence rates?

          Everyone knows that stressed out, over-worked staff members are not going to be at their optimum during the business day and that is why employers are being encouraged to highlight poor lifestyle choices in order to get the most out of employees.

          BE -happy workers

          Through wellbeing programmes in shared office spaces, workers can be given the tools to allow them to bounce back from workplace adversities. Create a supportive environment, for example, and make sure you have an open-door policy so employees can speak to you if they feel their work is getting on top of them.

          Studies have found a direct correlation between lifestyle choices and behaviour in the workplace. For example, those who do not get a good night’s sleep or have poor nutrition are more likely to be less productive and have a higher rate of absenteeism.

          Encouraging employees to step away from their desks from time to time and have proper breaks is an effective way for them to re-energise and return to tasks with an added boost.

          Employers have a responsibility for the health of their employees within the workplace and must take note and invest in wellbeing programmes for their staff members. In turn, they will see the effects as workplace productivity is boosted and the rate of employee absences drops.

          By having a better understanding of how certain lifestyle choices can impact their working day and offering guidance to employees, companies will benefit.


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