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        Freelancer myths dispelled

        Freelancer myths dispelled

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          Freelancing is an increasingly popular career choice, but there are still certain myths surrounding what being a digital nomad really is.

          Here are some of the common misconceptions and how to thwart them.

          Freelancers are likely to be reminded, on an annoyingly regular basis, about myths surrounding their career and lifestyle. Some of these misconceptions can make it hard for them to win new business, or indeed offer their skills for new jobs, but more often than not, a simple explanation is sufficient to quash any uncertainties.

          How many of the top five freelancing myths are you all too familiar with?

          1. Freelancers have no one to answer to

          Yes, freelancers work for themselves but that certainly doesn’t mean that they don’t have a boss. In fact, having multiple clients means having multiple bosses to keep happy. Of course, while this can be a pressure, it can also be rewarding to work with a wide variety of different people while still retaining overall autonomy and independence.

          2. Freelancing work isn’t secure

          While it is fair to say that a freelancer’s workload can be variable due to factors such as contract duration and the time of year, it is a common misconception that freelance work isn’t secure. It is really no different to contract workers, agencies or seasonal workers who may also be subject to fluctuations in their workload. With a good balance of multiple clients and projects, the busy times should cancel out the quiet ones for a steady annual income.

          3. Being a freelancer is lonely work

          Perhaps the most common of freelancer myths, this one really isn’t true. There may be moments when working for yourself is a bit lonely, but the opportunities to meet up with other digital nomads are greater than ever with the exponential rise in coworking space, the ideal environment for collaborating and networking with likeminded individuals.

          Shot of a group of young business professionals having a meeting. Diverse group of young designers smiling during a meeting at the office.

          4. Freelancing is free

          Its hugely insulting, but it doesn’t stop people often expecting freelancers to work for very little, or even for free! There is also a common misconception that freelancers have plenty of free time. Part of the appeal of freelancing is the ability to set your own hours and your own rates, so to come across this myth is frustrating and can lead to the feeling of being undervalued. Frequently, the opposite is true of freelancers who, unlike a salaried employee, are often busier due to having to cover their own sickness and holiday leave, business costs and tax management.

          5. Freelancing isn’t a real career

          Freelancing is sometimes thought of as a transitional career, filling in time in between a ‘real’ job, however the rise and rise of the gig economy is helping to dispel this myth, with the world of work adapting to flexible, part time and contracted work. In a rapidly evolving world, with increasing numbers of freelancers, who’s to say freelancing won’t become the norm for more people in the future.

          Regardless, freelancing is most definitely a career! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.



          Images courtesy of Press Association

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