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        Hot desking can help businesses cut office costs

        Hot desking can help businesses cut office costs

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          With the ongoing economic climate putting businesses under pressure to cut costs, any measures that can be implemented to reduce expenditure are worth considering.

          A major expense for many businesses is the premises they use to go about their daily operations.

          Traditionally, companies have needed enough floor space to accommodate all their employees – but with the rise of flexible working this is no longer necessarily the case.

          An increasing number of employees are taking advantage of online services and mobile technology to work from remote locations, rather than company HQ.

          As such, on any particular day, businesses may find that a number of workstations in the office are going unused.

          Clearly, this detracts from the overall efficiency of the office. Businesses do not want to be paying for room they are not using, especially if their office premises are in prime city locations.

          It makes much more sense to have fewer desks, fewer PCs and smaller offices.

          This means that each individual worker may not have their own desk and personal working area, but this is a small price to pay for greater efficiency.

          Teams can use hot desking arrangements to ensure each employee working in the office has a desk on any particular day.

          All they need to ensure if that a certain number of employees are either on annual leave or working from home on each day.

          Once hot desking is in place, and employees get used to the notion of sharing their workstations with colleagues, companies may be able to consider downsizing.

          Just saving a few hundred square feet on their office space can make a big difference both to their rent and overheads, enabling valuable funds to be channelled into other areas of the business.

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