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        Infographic: Working out at work

        Infographic: Working out at work

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          Is sitting down at your desk all day really that bad for your health?

          We’ve done the research on why we should try to be healthier at work….

          The statistics:

          • 40% of Brits spend just 15 minutes outdoors each day, a further 22% spend only 30 minutes a day outside, this is less than prisoners who are required to spend at least one hour outside every day.
          • 41% of British workers don’t take regular screen breaks.
          • UK office workers spend up to 85% of their work time sat down
          • 70,000 deaths in the UK a year may be caused by sedentary lifestyle
          • Physical inactivity if the 4th leading risk factor for global mortality according to the World Health Organisation. Sedentary behaviour has been associated with a higher risk of developing diabetes and musculoskeletal problems.

          How we can improve our health at work:

          • Choose a height adjustable desk – reducing sitting time by choosing a sit/stand desk has been shown to reduce upper back and neck pain by 54% and improve mood states (NHS study). 
          • Standing desks also have the ability to reduce tiredness among workers and boost productivity.
          • A recent Australian study found that standing desks could boost life expectancy by reducing the risk of conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
          • Take regular screen breaks – a recent study of 1,300 British workers recently found that those who took regular breaks are 10% more productive and make 12% fewer mistakes 
          • Join a yoga class with your colleagues – 88% of British adults believe yoga reduces stress.
          • Use an on-site office gym for motivation – 3.7 miles if the maximum distance people are prepared to travel to a gym to encourage five or move visits a month.
          • Try a kick-boxing class – a person can burn an average of 1000 calories per  hour in a kick-boxing class. An hours spin class can burn up to 600 calories.
          • Start a work running club – 89% of UK runners say regular running made them happier.


          • BE Offices are pleased to offer height adjustable desk as standard at some of our centres.
          • We’ve also introduced yoga classes in certain centres.
          • We are starting a running club in March in Farringdon with a qualified coach.
          • Most of our business centres have onsite gyms which are for the exclusive use of clients.
          • We provide a personal trainer at specified City of London centres who is free for clients.
          • At our Threadneedle Street centre we have a dedicated spinning room and put on weekly spinning classes.
          • We actively encourage time away from your desk with generous breakout spaces, roof terraces and lounge areas.




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