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        Love and hate in the office

        Love and hate in the office

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          More than half of office workers have said that video conferencing is an office essential in a survey by Samsung into the things we love and hate at work.

          Other office necessities included the internet and Wi-Fi, computers and emails, but what was even more interesting were the things that irked employees.

          Only half of the top ten office bugbears were technology related with the other half being annoyances caused by fellow colleagues.

          Numbers one and two on the list were slow IT systems and printer jams, but number three was both a human and technological issue rolled into one – unnecessary email traffic.

          Further down the list some of the complaints were more overt with the eating of smelly food in the office and colleagues leaving the printer tray empty.

          Recently mining company, BHP Billiton, has banned smelly food from its offices in a bid to make the workplace a more comfortable place.

          Dion Smith, general manager at Print Samsung UK, said: “It appears that all the fantastic benefits technology can bring to an office environment are being counteracted by its misuse and this needs to be addressed as content employees are at heart of every business.”

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