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        Lower your carbon footprint, share lifts to work

        Lower your carbon footprint, share lifts to work

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          There are a number of simple things most people can do to reduce their carbon footprint while causing the minimum disruption to their life and lift-sharing on the way to work is certainly a simple way to go green.

          According to Sacha Billet, marketing manager at liftshare, a social enterprise that helps individuals to travel more sustainably by sharing their journey, sharing a lift to the office has environmental benefits and can also save workers some cash.

          “For staff, one of the things that is most advantageous at the moment is [sharing of] cost. Obviously with the price of fuel going up, [cost is a factor] – especially if they have to pay for parking when they arrive as well,” she stated.

          “In terms of trying to bring down their carbon footprint – if they are aware of green issues – this is a way that they can actively participate in that and it’s quite an easy way to as well.”

          Ms Billet added that there are also benefits for businesses in terms of widening the catchment area where staff can come from, which may make setting up an official car sharing scheme worthwhile.

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