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        Office space trust is vital

        Office space trust is vital

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          Office space engagement and motivation will suffer if employees don’t have trust in their line managers.

          But the buck doesn’t stop with direct managers. Business owners also need to be regarded as trustworthy by their staff if motivation and morale in the office space is to be maintained.

          According to new research from US consultancy firm BlessingWhite, more than half of workers who trust their company’s chief executive officer feel motivated at work.

          This compares to just 40 per cent who trust in their direct managers and 33 per cent who said that they felt motivated despite trusting neither.

          Christopher Rice, chief executive officer of the consultancy firm, said: “Our latest research is consistent with our pre-recession findings. Trust in leadership is an important factor in achieving high levels of engagement.

          “Individuals can enjoy their work and have a strong sense of accomplishment, but if they don’t trust their boss or their boss’s boss, they’ll begin to question how they fit in.”

          Recently, performance development consultancy Lane4 claimed that a fifth of workers trust their managers less than they did a year ago.

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