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        Talking Points

        Oct 23rd 2012

        CSR: a must-have, not a nice-to-have

        Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not a new phenomenon for businesses. The notion that companies should aim to do good as well as make money has a long history – and one that the property industry can readily identify with. In the 1880s ...

        Oct 15th 2012

        Pedal Power – UK Business Will Benefit From Getting On Its Bike

        Cycling is officially cool!  The outstanding performances of Team GB’s cyclists at the Olympic Games and Bradley Wiggins’ record breaking Tour de France victory have built on its increasing popularity and have catapulted cycling into the ...

        Oct 08th 2012

        BE Offices Wins Award for Best Social Intranet at Interact Intranet Awards

        BE Offices has won the award for “Best Social Intranet” at the 2012 Interact Intranet awards in London, beating Waterstones and GHA in the final. The company launched their new intranet across the business in early 2012 and it was widely praised ...

        Oct 01st 2012

        Office makeover? Green isn’t just a colour

        The negative impact we have on the environment is never far from the headlines. And nor should it be. Each year we create a staggering amount of rubbish and waste unnecessary energy through irresponsible practices. It falls to everyone to take ...

        Oct 01st 2012

        CSR and its impact on employee engagement and development

        David Saul, managing director of the leading serviced office operator Business Environment, on how commitment to CSR delivers more than reputational benefits.

        • CSR is increasingly recognised as a key component of employee engagement
        • Companies

        Oct 01st 2012

        Stoptober: Colleagues aim to ‘kick the habit’ with smoking support initiative

        Five co-workers are pooling their efforts to kick the nicotine habit for good – including one receptionist who has reached the three-month milestone, thanks to a dedicated smoking support initiative offered by her employer. Georgina Verso, ...

        Sep 26th 2012

        Removing Financial Hurdles For Start Ups And Growing Businesses

        The FSB ‘Voice of Small Business’ Index has just been published and the findings suggest businesses are still finding it tough across the UK with the exception of London. The quarterly report has been created from the views of small firms ...

        Sep 21st 2012

        World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

        Join us for The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning to help MacMillan Cancer Support at Business Environment locations across the UK… The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is Macmillan Cancer Support’s biggest fundraising ...

        Sep 19th 2012

        Meeting rooms, office space and value for money

        David Saul, managing director of leading serviced office operator Business Environment, on meeting rooms and value for money A report recently that claimed up to £800m a year could be slashed from the cost of running government buildings. ...

        Sep 18th 2012

        The Olympic Legacy: More than Feel Good for UK Business?

        After all the hype, will UK business see long-term benefits from hosting the Olympics. As the UK’s glorious summer of sport fades into autumn and the Olympic bandwagon rolls off into the sunset, the reality of life after the Games has arrived. ...

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