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        Talking Points

        Sep 11th 2012

        Using Olympic sustainability to make your business greener

        Can UK businesses use the Olympics’ focus on legacy and sustainability to become greener in the future? Sustainability and legacy have always been central to the London Games: as early as 2008, the Mayor of London announced that sustainability ...

        Sep 03rd 2012

        An Olympic effort to do business better

        David Saul, managing director of leading serviced office operator Business Environment, on the lessons the Olympic Games have for the business world. Few events have captured the imagination of the British public like the London 2012 Olympics. ...

        Aug 14th 2012

        Great Customer Service is a Way of Life, Not Just a Business Unit!

        The hallmark of successful companies, outstanding customer service is easy to say, but difficult to define and even harder to deliver We all think we understand customer service; we appreciate good service, complain when we don’t get it and ...

        Aug 14th 2012

        Meeting rooms meeting business needs

        David Saul, managing director of leading serviced office operator Business Environment, on the importance of quality meeting rooms in the current climate. I was interested to read recently that a company in New Zealand has developed a video ...

        Aug 13th 2012

        The Olympics are Over…but the Paralympics are coming!

        Wow – The Olympics were amazing! What a fantastic two weeks of excitement, but before everyone gets Olympic withdrawal syndrome don’t forget the Paralympics kick-off in 16 days… As we did throughout the Olympics we will ...

        Jul 30th 2012

        BE Offices goes Global as part of the Mercedes Benz Anniversary Celebration

        We are proud to announce we are part of one of the biggest global advertising campaigns this year, sponsoring the Mercedes Benz 125th Anniversary and featuring in the Diamond Jubilee year book for the very exclusive Mercedes Benz Club. You ...

        Jul 17th 2012

        Engaging employees with volunteering

        David Saul, managing director of leading serviced office operator Business Environment, on ensuring employees are motivated when it comes to volunteering. The founder and CEO of Causecast – an American organisation that helps businesses ...

        Jul 16th 2012

        BE Offices to attract foreign businesses with offer of free office space

        Serviced office provider BE Offices has launched a scheme to encourage foreign businesses to relocate to Bristol. Working in partnership with United Kingdom Trade and Investment (UKTI), the company has announced plans to allow firms to ...

        Jun 29th 2012

        Time’s Running Out to Get Your Business Fit for the Olympics

        There’s still time to get your business fit for the Games, but start planning – now! There’s less than a month until the start of the Olympic Games!  As London gears up for a summer of sport, many of the capital’s businesses have still to plan for ...

        Jun 29th 2012

        An Olympic Opportunity for the UK to Embrace Flexible Working

        With the Olympic Games less than 36 days away, could they be the biggest incentive for UK business to finally embrace flexible working. The “Greatest Show on Earth” gets underway in less than 36 days’ time: all the planning and preparation reaches ...

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