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        Talking Points

        Jun 18th 2012

        Rude receptionists biggest barrier to new business

        Bad-mannered front of house staff are the main reason that over half of South East professionals (52%) are put off from doing business with other companies, according to research carried out on service excellence. More than one in three (37%) ...

        Jun 14th 2012

        Launching a commitment to delivering guaranteed service

        Already with a number of awards for employee engagement and customer service the serviced office operator Business Environment has published its first Service Excellence Guarantee. Providing details of the expected level of service its ...

        Jun 14th 2012

        Our Service Excellence Guarantee is Launched!

        Improving customer service is seen as critical to any business in today’s’ economic climate. That’s why we have published our first Service Excellence Guarantee. It provides details of the expected level of service our clients ...

        May 31st 2012

        Top 10 British Cakes

        Although famous for our doughnuts delivered to every single client office every Friday, we have ditched the American favourite in favour of more traditional BRITISH CAKES this week. It’s all in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee taking place ...

        May 31st 2012

        Celebrating the Diamond Jubilee with British cakes and not a doughnut in sight!

        Famous for doughnuts delivered to every client office each Friday, we have ditched the American favourite for more traditional BRITISH CAKES. It’s all in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee taking place over the forthcoming bank holiday ...

        May 28th 2012

        Becoming sustainable to create a sustainable business

        David Saul, Managing Director at the leading serviced office operator Business Environment, examines how sustainability is playing an important role in business success. A recent Accenture survey of 250 senior executives in the UK, US, ...

        May 21st 2012

        BCA scores victory in Empty Property Rates campaign

        The Business Centre Association (BCA) has welcomed George Osborne’s decision to review Empty Property Rates (EPR) legislation, following a hard fought campaign with the property sector and MPs. York Outer MP Julian Sturdy, who led a cross-party ...

        May 18th 2012

        Having A Winning Olympics Strategy

        How are you preparing for the Olympics? It’s a question more and more businesses are being forced to ask themselves as the Games rapidly approach. By David Saul, managing director, Business Environment In July 2012, London will welcome millions ...

        May 18th 2012

        Decorate Your Doughnut Day

        It’s National Doughnut Week from 12th May – 19th May 2012! To celebrate we are turning our weekly client doughnut run on Friday 18th May in to a “DECORATE YOUR DOUGHNUT OR CAKE” event in support of Rays of Sunshine. Simply pick ...

        May 08th 2012

        How to create a good working environment – and why it’s so essential

        This article was written by David Saul, managing director of the serviced office operator Business Environment. The company has been included in the Sunday Times 100 Best Small Companies to Work For list for the last five consecutive years. ...

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