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        Talking Points

        May 02nd 2012

        There’s Still Time To Get Your Business Fit For The Olympics

        The “Greatest Show on Earth” arrives in London in July: if your business isn’t fit for the Olympics yet, there’s still time to plan ahead ….. Whilst Olympic fever may not have gripped Britain quite yet, there’s certainly a rising tide ...

        Apr 24th 2012

        Why CSR?

        David Saul, managing director of leading serviced office operator Business Environment explores the importance of CSR. Judging by the various newspaper reports I’ve seen recently, business ethics and the importance of corporate social ...

        Apr 18th 2012

        Homeworking: Smartphones Oust Pyjamas and Coffee at Home!

        No longer seen as soft option or sneaking another duvet day, home working today is now far more about flexibility, work/life balance and improving productivity. Not that long ago, the phrase “working from home” was a rather derogatory term; ...

        Mar 29th 2012

        Bristol Businesses Put Young Talent Through Their Paces

        City of Bristol College students have wowed organisations from the local business community in an event aimed at simulating the real working environment.   College students from a variety of vocational courses were invited to reply ...

        Mar 08th 2012

        International Womens Day – Sisters are doin’ it for themselves

        Women are their own worst enemies in business, with research released today indicating that a quarter are reluctant to hire a woman who has children or is of child-bearing age. The findings, commissioned by serviced office operator Business ...

        Mar 06th 2012

        Always on the Go – Mobile Working is Just Part of Today’s Business

        “Mobile technology and mobile working are now an everyday part of business life, that it’s easy to forget its many advantages” Says Business Environment’s Managing Director David Saul. Go into any coffee shop, bar or office today, and you’ll ...

        Feb 27th 2012

        Business Environment one of UK’s best Employers for fifth Year

        Business Environment has been named one of the country’s ‘100 Best Small Companies to Work For’ by the Sunday Times for the fifth consecutive year, one of only 9 companies to hit the milestone. In a year with a record 828 entries to the awards, ...

        Feb 27th 2012

        Meeting Room sales hit a record high for BE’s &Meetings

        Business Environment is delighted to announce its new meeting room venues business &Meetings has delivered a sales increase of 227% in 2011. &Meetings was set up in 2010 to showcase the meeting rooms, video conferencing studios ...

        Feb 27th 2012

        The business of social responsibility

        David Saul, managing director of leading serviced office operator Business Environment, explains that difficult times shouldn’t dull businesses’ charitable spirit. Economic uncertainty is sweeping the Eurozone and beyond, leading ...

        Feb 10th 2012

        Tracking down the Print Criminals – Are your Print Costs a Steal?

        By Lindsey Nicholls. There’s no denying that running an SME means keeping a strict eye on costs.  You may know, (right down to the last penny) your rates, office costs and staff costs.  However, are you aware how much you are paying for your print? ...

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