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        Talking Points

        Sep 30th 2011

        Why businesses play a crucial role in keeping Milton Keynes green

        John Edwards, centre manager at serviced office operator Business Environment in Milton Keynes, explains how local businesses can learn from the great example set by Milton Keynes council. As far as UK cities go, Milton Keynes is certainly ...

        Sep 23rd 2011

        Motivating employees in the workplace

        Business Environment centre manager at Basingstoke, Nicola Parsons, explains how the Hampshire office works to engage employees. Keeping staff happy in the workplace is something that should be a top priority for employers. We all know ...

        Sep 23rd 2011

        Popular gorilla army descends on London

        A prominent London landmark has been invaded by a multi-coloured gorilla army this month. On 16 September, twenty life-sized gorilla statues – all individually decorated by British artists – were be unveiled in the shadow of Tower Bridge. ...

        Sep 23rd 2011

        Getting the most from your employees

        David Saul, managing director of Business Environment, leading serviced office operator, explains how engaging with employees can do wonders for a business Keeping staff happy in the workplace is something that should be a top priority ...

        Sep 01st 2011

        How businesses can make the most of innovative technology

        David Saul, managing director of leading serviced office operator Business Environment looks at the latest business technology trends It’s been an interesting year so far for technology, with new gadgets appearing at a rapid pace. New technology ...

        Aug 23rd 2011

        Business Environment Supports The National Forest!

        Professional Office Cleaning Services (part of the Business Environment group of companies) have been making consistent efforts company-wide to minimise their adverse effect on the environment. In line with our ISO 14001 Environmental ...

        Aug 12th 2011

        Bristol’s Business Environment helps local businesses affected by riots

        As extreme violence marred Bristol and other parts of England this week, resulting in the destruction of countless homes and buildings, an award winning south east based company has stepped in to help businesses affected by the riots. Serviced ...

        Jul 30th 2011

        Britons sick and tired of holidays

        Just back from holiday and feeling more washed out than when you went? It would seem you’re not alone. Research released today shows that a quarter of us return to work tired and one in ten (11%) feel more stressed than before we left, indicating ...

        Jul 12th 2011

        Harsh Economic Climate Highlights Recycling’s Cost Cutting Potential

        In tough economic times, business needs to see recycling as an effective cost cutting tool, not just a “good thing to do” with negligible financial benefit. We’re all familiar with the idea that recycling is a good thing: we’re surrounded ...

        Jun 21st 2011

        UK office hours becoming extinct

        Nearly half of UK employees admit they cannot switch off from work. Despite the advances that mobile technology has brought to the workplace, nearly half of UK employees (42%) admit that they struggle to switch off from work. The research, ...

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