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        Talking Points

        Jun 16th 2011

        Business Environment champions UK enterprise

        Business Environment has launched a cost-effective office package to help support start up businesses based in and around London. The serviced office operator has introduced the new deal at its Minories office in East London to enable start-ups ...

        Jun 03rd 2011

        London Finals of The Pitch 2011

        Britain’s biggest small business competition is back for a fourth year and the London final’s are being held on Thursday 9th June 2011. Business Environment is a proud sponsor of this fantastic event, and we’re delighted ...

        May 25th 2011

        How to Motivate Staff in the Workplace

        David Saul, managing director of Business Environment, suggests the following: Keeping staff happy in the workplace is something that should be a top priority for all business leaders. In the last 18 years since establishing Business Environment, ...

        May 16th 2011

        BE Milton Keynes Atruim wins Bronze Award in the EFIG Annual Awards

        Business Environment Milton Keynes’ renowned atrium has won the Bronze Award in The European Federation of Interior Landscape Group Annual Awards. Business Environment have used the services of Bumble Bee to maintain the extensive  ...

        Apr 18th 2011

        There’s no place like…work

        Royal wedding bank holiday branded a ‘poisoned chalice’ While half the country may be glued to their TV sets on Friday to watch the wedding, spare a thought for the other half of the country who admit they face a bank ‘holiday’ dominated by work. ...

        Mar 28th 2011

        Daughter raises funds to help ovarian cancer fight

        The daughter of a woman who survived ovarian cancer has raised money for charity through the generous help of her work colleagues. Leanne Murphy, 27 of Clifton, raised cash through a cake bake sale at serviced office operator Business Environment, ...

        Mar 03rd 2011

        BE Offices awarded ‘Sunday Times 100 Best Small Companies to Work For’

        BE Offices has scooped 38th position in the prestigious Sunday Times ‘100 Best Small Companies to Work For’ Awards. The company is the only serviced office operator to appear in the rankings. The awards demonstrate excellence across a number ...

        Feb 11th 2011

        Looking for an Office Romance – Head for the IT Department!

        As Valentine’s Day approaches, workers looking for an office romance should head for the IT department, according to a survey from Business Environment (BE), the UK serviced offices provider. According to the survey, 55% of IT workers revealed ...

        Feb 10th 2011

        Business Growth Show Prize Draw Winners Announced

        At the Business Growth Show in Feb 2011, Business Environment and &Meetings held a free business card prize draw. Announcing the 2 winners of the prize draw held on 3rd February 2011 at the London Business Growth Show at 154-160 Fleet ...

        Jan 31st 2011

        Lunch Breaks for Office Workers cut with Heavy Workloads

        Cutting visits to the gym, taking shorter lunch breaks and working harder to cover staff shortages are some of the ways that office workers are responding to pressures at work, according to a survey from Business Environment (BE), the leading ...

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