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        Talking Points

        Aug 23rd 2022

        Spotlight on Belfast: The Lagan Weir and Lookout

        On the doorstep of our new Belfast building, Custom House, the pedestrian bridge atop the Lagan Weir affords great views up and down the River Lagan. Places of interest abound in the area surrounding our incredible new building, Custom House ...

        Aug 09th 2022

        Spotlight on Belfast: City Hall

        As we venture further into the area surrounding our new Belfast building, Custom House, we visit another historic building, Belfast City Hall. Having already featured the ‘Salmon of Knowledge’, the Albert Memorial Clock,  ...

        Jul 27th 2022

        Spotlight on Belfast: The Titanic Quarter

        Continuing our exploration of the area around our new Belfast building, Custom House, we find out more about the neighbouring Titanic Quarter. As refurbishment and fit-out work continues apace at the fabulous new addition to our portfolio, ...

        Jul 18th 2022

        100% of BE Offices clients would recommend us

        Bi-annual ‘Voice of the Client’ survey reveals exceptional levels of client satisfaction across the BE Offices group of companies. Providing outstanding customer service has always been BE Offices’ ‘raison ...

        Jul 12th 2022

        Spotlight on Belfast: The Harland and Wolff Cranes

        As the opening of our new Belfast building draws nearer, we continue our exploration of Custom House’s local area and the many surrounding places of interest. At BE Offices we are super excited for the imminent opening of the spectacular ...

        Jul 05th 2022

        The benefits of emotional intelligence in the workplace

        Office workers who nurture emotional intelligence are less susceptible to burnout or chronic stress and demonstrate greater resilience and overall job satisfaction. The ability to utilise emotional intelligence in the workplace enhances ...

        Jun 14th 2022

        Spotlight on Belfast: The Albert Memorial Clock

        Ahead of the opening of our new Belfast building, we continue our exploration of Custom House’s historic surrounds. Here at BE Offices we can barely contain our excitement ahead of the imminent opening of the spectacular new addition ...

        Jun 07th 2022

        3 top procrastination prevention tips

        Simple productivity boosting strategies to help you get the job done Do you find yourself procrastinating at times? If so, don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. There always seems to be that one task on your to-do list which has been ...

        May 31st 2022

        Spotlight on Belfast: The ‘Salmon of Knowledge’

        Ahead of the opening of our new Belfast building, we take a ‘deep dive’ into Custom House’s local places of interest. Here at BE Offices we are super excited about the imminent opening of the spectacular new addition to our ...

        May 11th 2022

        Clean and tidy office: Happy, productive workforce

        Having a tidy office may seem like common sense, but it’s far more important than simply being able to find the things you need. A clean and tidy office not only impacts on workplace organisation, but it also affects employee motivation, ...

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