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        Talking Points

        Mar 08th 2022

        What is hybrid working?

        Hybrid working is here to stay but what is hybrid working? Hybrid working existed long before COVID-19 sent us all home in March 2020, but in a post-pandemic era it has been adopted as normal practice for many businesses. Employers who were previously ...

        Dec 02nd 2019

        BE Offices scoops two awards at flex space annual dinner

        BE Offices scooped two awards at the industry’s annual dinner on Friday (29 November 2019). This is the first awards ceremony organised by the rebranded FlexSA organisation, formerly the BCA. BE’s Barbican centre picked up the award for Operator ...

        Nov 11th 2014

        9 tips on how to tell an employee their clothes are inappropriate

        Is there someone in your office who comes to work in revealing clothing? Or is there a colleague who just looks scruffy all the time? Employees who wear inappropriate clothing can make everyone feel uncomfortable or give the wrong impression ...

        Nov 04th 2014

        6 tips on dealing with a bad boss

        Having a bad boss can be an extremely stressful situation. You may feel like you have no-one to turn to and that no-one else understands what you’re going through. Research from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health says ...

        Oct 28th 2014

        7 tips for managing Millennials

        Millennials (Generation Y) are the generation of workers aged from 18 to around 33. They have a reputation for being difficult to manage as they are “arrogant” and “lazy”. But is this true? Here are 7 tips for managing Millennial employees effectively. ...

        Oct 23rd 2014

        6 tips for dealing with a difficult co-worker

        We spend a lot of our weekday hours at work, and they can quickly become a nightmare if you’re dealing with a difficult co-worker on a daily basis. How should you handle a colleague who is making life difficult for you? If you don’t want to quit your ...

        Sep 08th 2014

        Money saving tips for young people

        For us young people, the phrase ‘I can’t afford that, I’m broke’ is used on a weekly if not daily basis. The expense of student living places a huge financial strain on us and we are constantly faced with the depressing ...

        Jul 08th 2014

        Happy employees make better workers

        Employers are increasingly being won over by “a happy, healthy workforce is a more efficient workforce” mantras, according to research commissioned by global firm Steelcase. The office furniture company says that staff wellbeing is soaring ...

        Jul 01st 2014

        Working Brits tell Dolly: ‘You can keep your 9 to 5’

        Evergreen star Dolly Parton wowed Glastonbury festival-goers over the weekend. But the 67-year-old ‘9 to 5’ Country singer may have to change her tune, as new research shows that most British workers would rather work flexi hours than the ...

        Jun 10th 2014

        How to find the perfect business mentor

        An overwhelming majority of small firms have acknowledged the benefits that a business mentor could bring in a new poll. A mentor is an experienced businessperson who can help you expand trade relationships, profits and sales by offering ...

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