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        Talking Points

        Jun 02nd 2014

        BE Supports Positive Action on World Environment Day

        We are inviting employees and clients to each take three positive eco-friendly steps to help mark World Environment Day on Thursday 5th June 2014. The United Nations’ World Environment Day (WED) is a red letter day in its calendar and the primary ...

        May 27th 2014

        How businesses can cope with football fever this summer

        It probably won’t have escaped your notice that the World Cup is kicking off soon, and many of your staff will be keen to watch the matches. Although most games are on outside of normal 9-5 hours, law firm Adams & Remers said employers are still ...

        May 27th 2014

        Putting the Sizzle in Sustainability

        “‘Sustainability’ covers many subjects. It has become a bit of a catch-all word, replacing ‘protection of the environment’, ‘ecology’ and activity around ‘saving the planet’.” ...

        May 20th 2014

        Interns Exploited: All Work and No Pay

        Almost a third (31.60%) of workers feel their interns are exploited Over a fifth (21%) of UK companies aren’t paying their interns Nearly a third of companies treat interns unfairly, according to a study by serviced office provider Business ...

        May 13th 2014

        Pros and cons of BYOD

        A growing number of small businesses are adopting a BYOD (bring your own device) policy to save them time and money. But opinion is still divided on how beneficial it is. According to a recent survey from Dell, security breaches cost UK organisations ...

        May 12th 2014

        Confidence matters

        Authors of The Confidence Code, a book recently published in the USA looking at The science and art of self-assurance – what women should know, have stated that evidence suggests that as we still strive for equality in the workplace, women are ...

        Apr 29th 2014

        5 tips for tackling stress in the workplace

        Stress could be costing business bosses dear in long-term employee absences, a new poll suggests. Nearly half of UK businesses (45%) rated mental health illness and stress as the primary reason behind staff long-term sickness. A further ...

        Apr 01st 2014

        Five ways to treat your workers

        A happy worker tends to be a more productive worker. With that in mind, how can you ensure your staff come to the office each day with a smile on their face? A treat courtesy of the boss every now and again is likely to do wonders for morale and doesn’t ...

        Mar 27th 2014

        Is the office tea run a thing of the past?

        According to UK charity, The Royal Voluntary Service, the humble office tea run could soon be a thing of the past. In the frantic world of the office worker, most would say that they simply haven’t the time to make a cuppa for a colleague. To coincide ...

        Mar 25th 2014

        Giving your office the ultimate spring clean

        If the state of your personal workspace speaks volume about how organised you are as a person, imagine the impression that an entire office can give about your company. Daily office mess, disorganised files, a canteen pin board that hasn’t ...

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