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        Talking Points

        Mar 14th 2014

        Six ways the internet has boosted businesses

        This week saw the world wide web turn 25 and while on a personal level, it’s difficult to imagine what life would have been like without Facebook, online shopping and search engines, it is arguably businesses which have gained the most from Tim ...

        Mar 13th 2014

        Keeping your homeworkers motivated

        The benefits of allowing staff to work from home are well-known; it helps them achieve a better work/life balance, it can help boost productivity and even save businesses money in the long run. However, having your workforce scattered across ...

        Mar 10th 2014

        Staff Motivation Matters – Demotivated, Disengaged Staff

        David Saul, Managing Director of leading serviced office operator Business Environment, explains the importance of motivating your employees. As the man who inspired one of the most successful and valuable companies in history, you can’t ...

        Mar 10th 2014

        Sunday Times Top 100 Employer for Seventh Year Running!

        Business Environment, one of the UK’s foremost serviced office operators, has been named one of the country’s ‘100 Best Small Companies to Work For’ by the Sunday Times for the seventh consecutive year. In a year which saw hundreds of companies ...

        Mar 03rd 2014

        Top 5 office drinks

        Do you often find yourself at work reaching for a can of Red Bull before the clock has even struck midday? Or perhaps you lose count of the number of cups of coffee you have to get you through the day? Well there are much better drinks to choose when ...

        Feb 25th 2014

        Small business need to stand up for themselves

        Size matters: David Saul, Managing Director for Business Environment discusses the often unfair lack of recognition given to SME’s by policy makers Try a quick test. What first comes to mind when you hear the word “business”? I’d be ...

        Feb 20th 2014

        The Office Desk Location Hierarchy

        It is widely accepted that the open-plan office originated in Germany in the 1950s. The office landscape – Bürolandschaft – concept led to the banishment of the once-popular exam-hall style rows of desks to make way for a less regimented approach ...

        Feb 13th 2014

        Be my Valentine? BE Talks Loving your Customers

        It’s hard to walk into a shop at this time of year without stumbling over a proliferation of hearts, roses and declarations of love. And whether you embrace Valentine’s day and all that it stands for or remain cynical about its over-commercialisation, ...

        Feb 03rd 2014

        Is Spending too long in the Office bad for Your Health?

        Nazia Ahmed, Director of Human Resources  for serviced office provider Business Environment looks at how our working life is contributing to the UK’s obesity crisis It has been estimated that UK office workers spend five years of their ...

        Jan 30th 2014

        So much for female solidarity: many women discriminate against members of their own gender, survey finds

        Women face almost as much workplace discrimination from other women as they do from men, according to a new poll by serviced office provider BE Offices The study, based on an independent survey of 1,500 people, found that a fifth (20.1 per cent) ...

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