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        Talking Points

        Jan 23rd 2014

        BE Live on Sky News

        We were delighted to welcome Sky News into our buildings yesterday to film a series of interviews with our teams about their views on Pensions and Savings. We were on live on Sky News at 11:50 & 1:20 and they also created an indepth feature ...

        Dec 23rd 2013

        Mentoring to transform your staff

        David Saul, managing director at Business Environment, takes a look at the importance of mentoring staff As the proverb goes: “you’re only as strong as your weakest link”. This quote is often attributed to sports teams – a weak pass in football ...

        Dec 10th 2013

        UK firms Waste Millions each year on Christmas Parties

        Most would rather take money than have the party, with 20% considering them “a chore” The UK spends more than a quarter of a billion pounds on office parties – but for nearly half of the population the events are a chore more associated with drunkenness ...

        Dec 02nd 2013

        Manic Monday puts pressure on UK employees

        Monday, December 2 is set to be the most stressful day of the year as British employees struggle to complete their Christmas preparations while wrapping up work in time for the festive holidays, according to a new study by serviced office provider ...

        Dec 02nd 2013

        BE Offices continues winning streak with BCA Outstanding Leadership Award win

        Hot on the heels of its UK Customer Experience Award win, serviced office provider BE Offices added yet another accolade to its trophy cabinet with a special award for Outstanding Leadership at the annual Business Centre Association (BCA) ...

        Nov 26th 2013

        CBI challenges Chancellor to promote business investment

        The CBI, the UK’s premier business lobbying organisation, providing a voice for employers at a national and international level, has challenged the Chancellor to promote business investment in his Autumn Statement scheduled for ...

        Nov 06th 2013

        A happy client means a happy bottom line

        No matter what you do in your business or what service you provide, one thing unites us all: the need to keep our clients happy. When starting out, keeping clients and prospects happy can be the difference between making headway as a credible ...

        Sep 12th 2013

        Video killed the in-person meeting?

        Few people watch ‘videos’ anymore – they watch DVDs, much in the same way that CDs have made tape cassettes largely redundant. There is, however, one area in the business world in which ‘video’ is a modernising force – and that’s meetings. Video ...

        Sep 12th 2013

        Gaining comfort, maintaining professionalism

        Traditionally the phrase “sorry darling, I’m at the office” would conjure up an image of the typical overworked employee, confined by grey corporate walls, stacks of paper and the odd water cooler. What it didn’t suggest was cartoons, pyjamas ...

        Aug 22nd 2013

        The Changing Meaning of Work Life Balance

        In 1831 Parliament passed a “Factory Act”, an early piece of workplace legislation, which limited the working day of people aged eighteen and under to a maximum of twelve hours. If the image of children routinely working shifts 50 per cent longer ...

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