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        Recruiters should think about Welcoming New Staff

        Recruiters should think about Welcoming New Staff

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          Employers in office space in London and the rest of the UK are being inundated with applications from people who have lost, or are set to lose their jobs through cuts.

          Thousands of people are now re-entering the job market with fears that employment now offers no guarantee of security, and these people must be dealt with carefully, according to a contributor for Recruiter.

          Organisational psychologist Lyndsey Simms told the online magazine that recruiters should take a sensitive approach to recruitment and induction.

          Tips included talking to prospective employers about their previous jobs, demonstrating the fairness of the recruitment process and clearly laying out company values.

          Ms Simms told the magazine: “As [employees] have been let down in the past by their employer, they may believe that it’s inevitable that they will be let down again by future employers too. If candidates join organisations mistrustful of their new employer, and disengaged from the outset, then organisations may suffer as a disengaged employee will be less productive.”

          Government cuts will see hundreds of thousands of roles disappearing within the public sector. Estimates have placed the number of those who will lose their jobs at more than 300,000.

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