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        Study reveals differing priorities of male and female staff

        Study reveals differing priorities of male and female staff

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          Male staff members are more likely to deem getting married and raising a family as a life priority compared to female employees, according to new research.

          Figures released by professional social networking site LinkedIn have revealed that several traditional gender stereotypes may no longer be as accurate as they were in the past.

          For example, 86 per cent of men said they would class having children as “making it”, while this was a view held by only 73 per cent of women.

          Over 1,000 people were surveyed in total and were questioned on a range of topics focusing on their views of work, balance in life and success.

          As well as being part of a family, men also placed stronger emphasis on marriage than women, with 79 per cent of male respondents relating being part of a “strong, loving marriage” to “having it all”, while only 66 per cent of female participants felt the same way.

          LinkedIn spokesperson Jacky Carter said: “What really surprised us the results of the study is that men don’t see money as the source of having it all – they actually place the highest value on family.”

          Finding a balance between work life and home life was the number one priority for both men and women – however, the survey found that, in general, both genders felt that they still had not achieved this yet.

          Mobile working technology could help to provide a solution to this, though – with separate research by the Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion revealing that nearly two-thirds of businesses expect the number of employees who work from home to increase over the next five years.

          Finally, the LinkedIn study found that nearly half of all men and women questioned had achieved all of their personal goals – a statistic which is particularly relevant for female workers, as it represents an increase of ten per cent since March.

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