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        Tips for making the most of a small office space

        Tips for making the most of a small office space

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          Don’t let a small home office cramp your creativity – get some top tips for making the most out of it.

          If you work in a small office you might feel like it’s cramping your creativity. But even if you work in a tiny cubicle there are things you can do to make it better.

          Research from office furniture supplier Steelcase shows that the things we want most when it comes to creating the ideal workspace are pretty easy to achieve – more natural light and better use of office space. We look at some ways you can make the most of your workspace.

          BE 25 Nov

          Desks stacked with mountains of paper are a sure-fire way to make your workspace feel smaller than it actually is. Have a good spring clean and get rid of any outdated manuals and directories that have been lying around for ages. Ensure you have enough cabinets, folders and boxes to file documents away. Why do you need so much paper anyway? You can create more space by computerising as much as possible – and you’ll save a few trees in the process. The trick is to keep only those things you use on a daily basis nearby. Everything else should be kept off your desktop.

          Organise cables
          If you only have a small workspace, you don’t want cables and wires taking up precious space. They can look messy – even in the biggest of workspaces – so be sure to tidy them up. Use cable ties and label them to make them easier to identify so you don’t have to suffer the ignominy of crawling around under your desk if, say, your phone becomes unplugged.

          Maximise wall space
          Utilise the wall space behind your desk. Some basic shelving could be put up for you to store items you use regularly which can be moved off the desktop. A shelf could also hold your printer to free up valuable desk space. Another idea is to attach a bulletin board to your wall so important notes can be seen more easily.

          Add a splash of colour
          Dark colours will make an office feel smaller than it really is, which can hinder creativity. If your office is dark, or looking rather jaded, ask the powers that be for a fresh lick of paint to brighten up your space. According to research from the University of British Columbia, blue and green help employees to feel calm and relaxed, while red increases attention to detail.

          Good use of lighting can also transform your workspace. If you sit beside a window, let in as much natural light as possible without it causing screen glare.

          Add some personal touches
          We spend a lot of time at work, so creating a space that is warm and welcoming can make all the difference to your sense of wellbeing and job satisfaction. If you can, try adding a few personal touches to make your office feel more like home. Some bright cushions, plants or framed photos don’t require much space, but can really improve your working environment.

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