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        What are the highest paid jobs in the UK?

        What are the highest paid jobs in the UK?

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          New figures show the highest paid jobs in the UK. We take a look at these positions, what you’ll earn and what you need to perform these roles…

          We all want to be earning more – so what better way to do that than by being appointed to one of the best paying jobs in the country?

          Ready to flight.

          We’ve found the top 5 paying jobs, according to new Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures, seen what they get and what you need to do to be appointed to the role of a lifetime.

          Average salary: £133,868

          What you’ll be doing…
          Managing the finances of people who are actually richer than you – and taking a decent cut along the way. This could be in the form of stocks and shares or even insurance deals. Basically, you act as the middle man between rich people and the market, giving advice when needed.

          How to get the job
          Depends on your route – there are always stories of people starting out in the mail room to become millionaire brokers. But really you’ll need at least a degree – possibly 2 – and some on the job training before you get the big money.

          Chief Executives
          Average salary: £123,577

          What you’ll be doing…
          Managing companies from the top down. You’ll be dealing with the big picture from the direction the company should be taking to any potential mergers and takeover deals. Basically, the buck stops with you.

          How to get the job…
          Experience, dedication and hard work. You’ll need a strong head for business, some formal qualifications on top of your degree and to be good with people.

          Marketing Directors
          Average salary: £87,890

          What you’ll be doing…
          Making people want to buy your product or do business with the company. You’ll shape not only the way the sales teams work, but also have a big say in how the public views your company.

          How to get the job…
          Usually a degree is needed but sometimes you can work your way to the top through various sales roles. You’ll have to prove you can not only hit but go beyond targets, have a natural eye for key market trends and a way with people. Having a qualification from the Chartered Institute of Marketing will also help.

          Aircraft Pilots
          Average salary: £86,915

          What you’ll be doing…
          Flying planes. It could be anything from cargo jets to passenger planes. To get the big money you need to work your way up to captain.

          How to get the job…
          The route to the top is a lot more structured here. Along with an early focus on science and engineering, you’ll also need a pilot’s licence, a commercial pilot’s licence – which can costs more than £100,000 and take two years to complete – and over 1,500 flying hours under your belt to be classed as a full qualified commercial pilot.

          Financial Managers and Directors
          Average salary: £84,675

          What you’ll be doing…
          Counting the pennies of big businesses. You’ll be the head honcho when it comes to financial decisions and will drive the direction of the company while also looking at ways to save money. This will include helping various departments to manage their budget, meeting with sales teams and helping them set targets, and analysing industry trends.

          How to get the job…
          You’ll need some form of finance or accounting qualification from a professional accountancy body like the Institute of Chartered Accountants. And lots of experience in the industry.

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