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        What office personality are you?

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          Taking a look at the stats surrounding the personality types in your office….

          Workplaces contain an eclectic mix of personalities. There are the eager beavers who will be the first to their desks every morning, work through their lunch hour and still be found bashing away at their keyboard when everyone else has long gone.

          On the other hand, you have the absolute nine to fiver who never misses their lunch hour and will be packing up at 5.25 in order to leave at 5.30 on the dot! Of course much of this is dictated by ones personal life and responsibilities that may be waiting at home.

          BE Offices decided to take a look at some of the statistics surrounding the workplace and what we found many come as a surprise!

          1. A high number (46 percent) of office workers are happy with a disorganised and unstructured workplace.
          2. 17 percent of workers admit to having over 100 unread emails in their inbox.
          3. Office workers in Scotland consider themselves the most stressed in the UK with 71 percent saying they feel under pressure at work.
          4. 31 percent of workers cite Monday as their most productive day of the week.
          5. 37 percent find that in the course of a day they are most productive between 8am and 10am.
          6. On average Brits will have six different roles across six different organisations.

          As for young workers, in their lifetime they will switch jobs twice as often as their grandparents with 51 percent of young workers considering changing their jobs . Indeed 46 percent will quit and re-train completely after deciding that their chosen career isn’t for them.

          Inforgraphic May 2016






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