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        Why your mum would make a good boss

        Why your mum would make a good boss

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          This Mother’s Day we take a look at whether your mum would make a good boss or not.

          Family businesses are still common even in this day and age, with mothers, fathers, sons and daughters all taking various roles.

          These tend to have an organic nature, with roles shifting and people growing into the idea of working with family.

          But what would happen if your mum turned up one day at your workplace and announced she was going to be your new boss? Would she make a good choice for the role?

          Mum knows you best
          While your partner might lay claim to knowing you best, deep down we all know that our mums know us better than anyone – which in a working environment can be a good thing.

          She’ll know when to push and when to hold back, what methods to use to get you to be more productive, and even know when you’re lying to her.

          This kind of relationship is why having a social side to your office is important. Developing personal relationships between colleagues means they can work better together, picking up on subtle social cues that otherwise might be missed.

          You listen to her
          When your mother tells you something, you listen. Even if you pretend you don’t.

          Again, this is an important part of business life. Making sure that the lines of communication are open – and working – between management and staff is hugely important.

          If people don’t listen to their colleagues then they might not complete a task properly, miss a meeting or not learn a vital piece of information.

          She can multi-task
          Your mum helped raise you – and maybe even a sibling – while possibly doing the housework or having a job.

          Being a parent means you have to multi-task – and few people do it better than mums. It could be balancing cooking with play time or working from home while babysitting a toddler. Anyone who can do these can manage the basics of office life.

          Multi-tasking is a vital skill, especially at management level where you might be tasked with daily admin work as well as client side projects and marketing tasks.

          You want to impress them
          Much of the motivation at work comes from either completing a project or simply the financial rewards. But having your mum as a boss would add another angle – the need to impress. After all, there’s nothing like being told ‘well done’ by your mum.

          If you can foster this kind of atmosphere in your office – whereby people want to do good work to not only impress you but also their colleagues and themselves – then you will have happy, productive workers.

          They will always have your back
          At the end of the day, if it all goes wrong, then your mum will always have your back.

          You know that she won’t sell you out, favour someone else because she likes them more or have any kind of negative bias towards you.

          As a boss, it’s good to let your team know you’ve got their back. Projects often go wrong, but as a boss it’s worth taking the bullet for your team as it’ll develop a sense of respect and trust in the workplace.



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